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Category: Career

How INFJs Can Take Action Even When They Feel Misunderstood

INFJs rely on Introverted Intuition to process information, and it’s difficult for other personality types to understand how our minds work. When we express our ideas to others, we get lukewarm or confused responses. Since INFJs value harmony and want things to proceed orderly, we struggle to take action when others don’t affirm or understand us…

INFJ Careers: What INFJs Need In The Workplace

INFJs thrive in work environments that allow them to use their dominant Introverted Intuition process and auxiliary Extraverted Feeling function. They also tend to prefer careers that are more suited to their introverted personality…

Learning to Love My INFJ Personality Type

When I was young, I didn’t know my personality type. In my 20s and 30s, I believed everyone shared my need to know what more is out there and how the mind works…

Why This INFJ Started a Podcast For Introverts

Behind the microphone, I stop being “Amy the shy INFJ” and became “Amy, the cool big sister to other introverts…

4 Tricks To Help INFJs Stay Focused

As an INFJ entrepreneur, I’ve struggled with distraction and lack of focus often, but there are a few things that have helped. Here are four tips to help INFJs stay focused…

Strengths and Challenges of the INFJ Entrepreneur

As an introvert and INFJ personality type, I’ve struggled between my ambitions and the reality of putting my intuitive visions into practice. I often know what I want the end goal to be, but how do I even start the journey to getting there? This is something many INFJ entrepreneurs ask themselves when setting out to start their own businesses. The OPP recently published a study investigating the relationship between MBTI personality type and…

Let’s Talk About Introversion in the Workplace

Although more people are learning what being an introvert means, there are still several misconceptions about introversion in the workplace…