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Category: Career

Leveling Up On the INFJ Personal Growth Journey

INFJs see our own potential as much as we see potential in others. We know what can be, but the challenge lies in how to get there. Here is how to advance in your INFJ personal growth journey…

How INFJs Can Turn Passion Into Success

“Inspiration is absolutely unnecessary and somehow deceptive. You feel like you need this great idea before you can get down to work, and I find that’s almost never the case.” -Chuck Close As idealists, we often feel like we need inspiration in order to accomplish something great. Unfortunately, moments of inspiration are usually few and far between. I try to maintain a normal posting schedule with this blog, and I did pretty well…

5 Best Career Paths for INFJs

When it comes to careers, INFJs seek two things: creative freedom and meaning. INFJs tend to be independent thinkers and doers, and we prefer to pave our own path rather than follow a set of strict workplace rules. We also seek meaning in our work, feeling most fulfilled when we know that we are in some way helping others or making a difference. Best Career Paths for INFJs Many INFJs are able to work any…

Dealing With INFJ Doubt

I started INFJ Blog as a way to offer resources, advice, and relatable content for people who identify as an INFJ personality type. I also wanted to address certain topics more thoroughly than I’m able to on my INFJ Twitter and Tumblr accounts. But even as I sit here writing these words, my mind is full of doubt. Who am I to offer advice for INFJs? Dealing with INFJ doubt is something I…