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Monthly Archives: February 2017

10 Struggles of Idealist Personality Types

Idealist personality types are known for being passionate about personal growth, a desire to help others, and their dreams of making the world a better place…

5 Ways INFJs Can Fight for What They Believe In

Remember 2016? That was a weird year. Possibly the weirdest part of 2016 was the extreme rise in both support and opposition to the man who is now the president of the United States of America. What happened in the United States was less about partisan politics and more about personal values. Die-hard Democrats betrayed party unity to vote for the man they believed would finally bring the sort of change that Obama had…

4 Tips For Raising a Strong INFJ Child

I want to begin this article by stating that it is extremely difficult to accurately type a child. A parent who is professionally trained in MBTI may be able to make a decent educated guess to their child’s personality type by observing behavior patterns. However, many parents are wrong even at guessing basic personality traits, like extroversion and introversion. This is because our personality doesn’t fully develop until we’re adults. Children…