How INFJs Can Find Their Personal Truths

“The truth of the soul is powerful. The weight of the ego is sometimes more powerful. Trust your power to move the ego aside and live your truth.”

— Rebecca Mckown 

For the INFJ personality type, there is no completing the journey to self-love without understanding and accepting your personal truths. 

Finding your truths can be a huge obstacle toward self-acceptance for INFJs, who are constantly experiencing the internal battle between their Extraverted Feeling-guided need for harmony versus what they intuitively know to be true for them. 

Finding Your INFJ Truth: Intuition vs. Feeling

Your intuition gives you the gift of recognizing when other people aren’t living in accordance with how they believe. And this recognition can cause you to feel intense pressure to always practice what you preach. 

In Personality Types: An Owner’s Manual, Lenore Thomson writes: “This is an arena in which their intuition is most evident. INFJs wrestle all their lives with the conflict they perceive between maintaining harmonious relationships and expressing emotional truth, and it is a central issue in the books, novels, plays, and psychological articles that INFJs write.”

(P.S. Lenore Thomson is one of my favorite personality type authors. I’ve added a link to his book below! This is an affiliate link, meaning I may get a small commission if you make a purchase.)

Freeing Your Truths

When you’re in an environment that doesn’t align with your beliefs, it can often feel easier to suppress your truth in favor of maintaining positive rapport and comfortable relationships. 

You may have observed in the times that you’ve attempted to express your truth, that it made people uncomfortable, confused, or upset. Thus, you decided, it’s just easier to keep your beliefs to yourself. 

The problem with this is that your truth will never go away. It’s a fire, constantly burning inside of you.

You may be able to calm the flame temporarily, but you’ll never be able to extinguish it entirely.

And that’s a good thing. 

As long as it’s repressed, your truth will constantly ask your permission to be freed. No one else can give you that permission. It has to come from within. 

If you allow the opinions of others to guide your decision-making, you will always be nourishing other people while leaving your internal needs starved. 

If you haven’t devoted time to it, understanding your personal truths will take some work.

It requires diving deep inside of your soul and truly listening — without judgment or fear — to the deepest desires of your heart. Regular practices such as meditation and journaling can help you understand your truths better. 

Activity: Finding Your Truths

Understanding your personal truth will lead you toward your life purpose. But don’t worry, you don’t have to figure out your ultimate purpose today. You can start by simply listing out a few things that are true for you. 

Spend a few minutes allowing your intuition to guide you through this activity. During this time, meditate on your truths, and then write out at least ten of them.

These can be as simple as, “Dogs make the best pets,” or deeper truths such as, “I’m spiritually connected to every person and therefore cannot do harm to anyone.”

Simply follow your intuition and see what comes up for you. 

You may come across uncomfortable truths that you don’t feel ready to accept. Rather than ignoring them in favor of the more obvious, spend some extra time listening to them and make sure to write them down as well.

You can always come back to this list when you’re ready to dive deeper into your truths. 


Understanding your personal truths is the first step toward living a life that fulfills your mind, spirit, and heart.

Once you accept who you are, and what is true for you, you can live loudly and proudly in your truth, despite societal judgment or criticism. 

How wonderful does that life sound? It’s right there, on the other side of fear. 

About The Author

Megan Malone