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Browsing Tag: introverts

INFJ and SP Relationships and Compatibility

What are INFJ and SP relationships like? INFJs are much different than SP personality types, but this doesn’t mean that they can’t have fulfilling relationships with individuals who prefer Sensing and Perceiving. In fact, and INFJ and SP relationship can thrive! SPs personality types (ESTP, ESFP, ISTP and ISFP) are drawn to INFJs because of their thoughtfulness and depth. And INFJ personality types are attracted to SPs because of their enthusiasm and spontaneity…

The Beginner’s Guide to Meeting INFJs

The INFJ personality type is one of the rarest 16 Myers-Briggs personality types; making up under 3 percent of the population. INFJs can seem like a mystery to other personality types and often have trouble feeling like they are truly connecting with the people around them. If you’re interested in meeting INFJs, the prospect of finding one can seem impossible…

Why This INFJ Started a Podcast For Introverts

Behind the microphone, I stop being “Amy the shy INFJ” and became “Amy, the cool big sister to other introverts…

8 Tips For The Introverted College Student

In a society that caters to extraversion, how does the introverted college student find the alone time they not only want but need…

The Importance of Creativity for INFJs

“Do whatever brings you to life, then. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.” -Elizabeth Gilbert Here is a secret: I’ve never considered myself to be a creative person. Yes, I’m an idealist. Sure, I call myself a writer. But I don’t live a free-spirited lifestyle devoted to my craft. I need structure and routine in my life in order to…

Living With an Introvert: What Extroverts Need to Know

Living with an introvert can be fun, but there are some things that extroverts need to understand. This past weekend I met another introvert at one of the last places you would expect two introverts to be — a pub crawl. We were both traveling alone and decided to fight the urge to stay in our hotel rooms binge-watching Netflix and instead go out and socialize with other travelers. We ended up spending a good…

The INFJ Soulmate

“In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” — Maya Angelou INFJ personality types are fairly rational idealists, except when it comes to love. We experience intense feelings and in no other situation do we feel those feelings deeper than when it comes to romantic relationships. Not all INFJs believe that there is only one person out there…