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Browsing Tag: personality type

Which Emotion Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type is Most Likely to Feel in Their Dreams

Our dreams are thought to be gateways to our unconscious feelings and desires. So, the emotions you experience in your dreams may say more about your personality than you think…

INFJ and SP Relationships and Compatibility

What are INFJ and SP relationships like? INFJs are much different than SP personality types, but this doesn’t mean that they can’t have fulfilling relationships with individuals who prefer Sensing and Perceiving. In fact, and INFJ and SP relationship can thrive! SPs personality types (ESTP, ESFP, ISTP and ISFP) are drawn to INFJs because of their thoughtfulness and depth. And INFJ personality types are attracted to SPs because of their enthusiasm and spontaneity…

The Beginner’s Guide to Meeting INFJs

The INFJ personality type is one of the rarest 16 Myers-Briggs personality types; making up under 3 percent of the population. INFJs can seem like a mystery to other personality types and often have trouble feeling like they are truly connecting with the people around them. If you’re interested in meeting INFJs, the prospect of finding one can seem impossible…

4 Ways INFJs Can Overcome Compassion Fatigue

When I was in my late teens I had a good friend who was going through a really hard time. I cared deeply for this person and felt like I needed to be there for them no matter what. I would miss out on exciting opportunities just to spend time with my friend in need. This person’s needs consumed my thoughts and affected the actions and decisions I made daily. What I didn’t…

The 8 Cognitive Functions and How INFJs Use Them

Understanding the wiring of the personality type means diving deeper into type theory. In this article, we’ll go past the general INFJ personality description to explore the INFJ’s cognitive functions…

3 Ways To Know You’re Not An INFJ

Personality type goes much deeper than the four letters we receive after taking the Myers-Briggs test…