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Category: Relationships

4 Tips For Raising a Strong INFJ Child

I want to begin this article by stating that it is extremely difficult to accurately type a child. A parent who is professionally trained in MBTI may be able to make a decent educated guess to their child’s personality type by observing behavior patterns. However, many parents are wrong even at guessing basic personality traits, like extroversion and introversion. This is because our personality doesn’t fully develop until we’re adults. Children…

10 Valentine’s Day Cards For MBTI Enthusiasts

How do you express to your MBTI obsessed friend, crush, or partner just how much they mean to you in a language that they’ll truly understand and appreciate? Why not do it with a Myers-Briggs themed Valentine’s card! These are cheesy, but I had fun creating them. Enjoy – and happy Valentine’s Day! 1. Make them swoon with these four little words. 2. This one seems simple enough…

4 Ways INFJs Can Overcome Compassion Fatigue

When I was in my late teens I had a good friend who was going through a really hard time. I cared deeply for this person and felt like I needed to be there for them no matter what. I would miss out on exciting opportunities just to spend time with my friend in need. This person’s needs consumed my thoughts and affected the actions and decisions I made daily. What I didn’t…

INFJ and NT Relationships

INFJs can have wonderful and fulfilling relationships with any of the NT personality types. Since INFJs and NT personalities are intuitives, they share a love of ideas and possibilities…

Relationships: INFJs and SJs

INFJs tend to work well with SJ partners, but the relationships definitely come with challenges if both partners aren’t able to compromise and make an effort to understand each other…

5 Ways INFJs Can Spot and Avoid Emotional Vampires

“I feel really comfortable around you.” “I feel like we have a really meaningful connection.” “You just seem to understand me so well.” The above three sentences can be filed away under Things INFJs Hear All the Time. INFJs are known as the Counselor personality type. And like a counselor, most people find it really easy to open up to us. It took me awhile to understand that having this sort of relationship with everyone…

Are INFJs and ENxPs the Perfect Match?

As an INFJ personality type, it can be especially hard to find someone who we feel a natural connection with. However, INFJs and ENxPs (ENTPs and ENFPs), are often referred to as a “perfect match…