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Category: INFJ Personality

3 Reasons INFJs and ESTPs are a Perfect Match

A while ago, I wrote an article about INFJs from a socionics perspective. Today, I want to expand on a topic I mentioned in that article — the “duality” relationship — what socionics recognizes as the most beneficial relationship for both parties. It may surprise many that for an INFJ this “perfect match” relationship is with an ESTP. While it seems to be one of the more common duality couplings I’ve seen, it’s…

The Beginner’s Guide to Meeting INFJs

The INFJ personality type is one of the rarest 16 Myers-Briggs personality types; making up under 3 percent of the population. INFJs can seem like a mystery to other personality types and often have trouble feeling like they are truly connecting with the people around them. If you’re interested in meeting INFJs, the prospect of finding one can seem impossible…

Socionics: A Deeper Look Into the INFJ Personality Type

Beyond what MBTI can teach us, I believe that there are lessons that require us to turn our eyes east…

5 Ways To Deal With Stress As A Highly Sensitive INFJ

Managing stress as a highly sensitive INFJ means learning to recognize what contributes to our stress and anxiety and what helps us deal with these emotions…

My Experience as an INFJ Perfectionist

We start to compare ourselves to what we could be, if we just tried hard enough, rather than appreciate who we are…

Are INFJs Psychic? Examining Introverted Intuition in INFJs

Are INFJs psychic? While INFJs do experience strong intuitive insights, it’s not the same sort of psychic ability that’s going to allow you to see the future in a crystal ball or make a killing at the race track…

INFJ Men: You Don’t Have to Conform In Order to Thrive

Being an INFJ guy can be hard. It can also be amazing. Especially once you learn about your personality type and can adjust your lifestyle accordingly…