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Browsing Tag: estp

INFJ and SP Relationships and Compatibility

What are INFJ and SP relationships like? INFJs are much different than SP personality types, but this doesn’t mean that they can’t have fulfilling relationships with individuals who prefer Sensing and Perceiving. In fact, and INFJ and SP relationship can thrive! SPs personality types (ESTP, ESFP, ISTP and ISFP) are drawn to INFJs because of their thoughtfulness and depth. And INFJ personality types are attracted to SPs because of their enthusiasm and spontaneity…

3 Reasons INFJs and ESTPs are a Perfect Match

A while ago, I wrote an article about INFJs from a socionics perspective. Today, I want to expand on a topic I mentioned in that article — the “duality” relationship — what socionics recognizes as the most beneficial relationship for both parties. It may surprise many that for an INFJ this “perfect match” relationship is with an ESTP. While it seems to be one of the more common duality couplings I’ve seen, it’s…