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Browsing Tag: hsp

8 Self-Care Tips for INFJs Who Feel Overwhelmed

Have you ever found yourself experiencing burn-out? I’m a mother, wife, therapist, an INFJ, and a straight-up perfectionist through and through. Each week I attempt to do all of the things, all the time, all at once. By the end of the week — sometimes even by the end of the day — you bet my energy is completely drained and as a result, I don’t show up as my best self…

5 Ways To Deal With Stress As A Highly Sensitive INFJ

Managing stress as a highly sensitive INFJ means learning to recognize what contributes to our stress and anxiety and what helps us deal with these emotions…

What You Should Know About the INFJ and HSP Man

In order to help other INFJ and HSP guys like myself, I want to explain ways that friends, family members, and partners can help the INFJ and HSP man in their life…