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Browsing Tag: introvert

Why We Should Quit Saying Introverts Hate People

What a lot of videos, articles, memes, etc. get wrong about introversion is painting us as the type of individuals who can’t be at a party for 15 minutes before needing to escape and go hide under the covers with our cats…

Type Analysis: INFJ or ENFJ?

Since INFJs and ENFJs share the same functions, it’s reasonable to conclude that INFJs who near the extroverted side of the scale may mistype as ENFJs. If you strongly identify as an introvert, it’s unlikely that you will mistype as an extroverted personality type. However, those who identify with both introverted and extroverted personality traits, also known as ambiverts, may have a hard time deciding if the INFJ or ENFJ description fits them…

How to Survive the Holidays as an INFJ

This can be an overwhelming time for INFJs (and introverts in general). But there are plenty of things INFJs can do to minimize stress and enjoy the holidays…

13 Inspirational Quotes by Famous INFJs

INFJ may be the rarest personality type, making up only 1-2 percent of the population, but several INFJs have made a huge impact on the world through their gentle leadership and passion for making the world a better place. 13 Inspirational Quotes by Famous INFJs.* “Some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at…

5 Best Career Paths for INFJs

When it comes to careers, INFJs seek two things: creative freedom and meaning. INFJs tend to be independent thinkers and doers, and we prefer to pave our own path rather than follow a set of strict workplace rules. We also seek meaning in our work, feeling most fulfilled when we know that we are in some way helping others or making a difference. Best Career Paths for INFJs Many INFJs are able to work any…

Type Analysis: INFJ or INFP?

INFJ and INFP personality types have quite a bit in common and it can be hard to distinguish between the two. Since both types are introverted idealists, it’s easy for INFJs to relate to the INFP personality description, and for INFPs to relate to the INFJ personality description. However, while these types are similar as far as preferences go (both INFs), they’re completely different when it comes to functions. Are you an…

Living With an Introvert: What Extroverts Need to Know

Living with an introvert can be fun, but there are some things that extroverts need to understand. This past weekend I met another introvert at one of the last places you would expect two introverts to be — a pub crawl. We were both traveling alone and decided to fight the urge to stay in our hotel rooms binge-watching Netflix and instead go out and socialize with other travelers. We ended up spending a good…