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Browsing Tag: love

INFJ and SP Relationships and Compatibility

What are INFJ and SP relationships like? INFJs are much different than SP personality types, but this doesn’t mean that they can’t have fulfilling relationships with individuals who prefer Sensing and Perceiving. In fact, and INFJ and SP relationship can thrive! SPs personality types (ESTP, ESFP, ISTP and ISFP) are drawn to INFJs because of their thoughtfulness and depth. And INFJ personality types are attracted to SPs because of their enthusiasm and spontaneity…

INFJs in Relationships with NF Personality Types

Since NF types feel deeply, they can experience passionate relationships fueled by emotional depth and vulnerability…

4 Dating Tips For Shy Introverts

If you often feel shy due to the fear of negative judgment or low self-esteem, you can still experience a normal and happy love life. Here are four dating tips for shy introverts…

Finding The Perfect Partner For The INFJ

Explore and engage with all of the beautifully imperfect people in this world because your idea of the perfect INFJ partner may not actually be the best person for you…

10 Valentine’s Day Cards For MBTI Enthusiasts

How do you express to your MBTI obsessed friend, crush, or partner just how much they mean to you in a language that they’ll truly understand and appreciate? Why not do it with a Myers-Briggs themed Valentine’s card! These are cheesy, but I had fun creating them. Enjoy – and happy Valentine’s Day! 1. Make them swoon with these four little words. 2. This one seems simple enough…

Relationships: INFJs and SJs

INFJs tend to work well with SJ partners, but the relationships definitely come with challenges if both partners aren’t able to compromise and make an effort to understand each other…

The INFJ Soulmate

“In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” — Maya Angelou INFJ personality types are fairly rational idealists, except when it comes to love. We experience intense feelings and in no other situation do we feel those feelings deeper than when it comes to romantic relationships. Not all INFJs believe that there is only one person out there…